Who you can find at the Volunteer Fair

The Volunteer Fair is soon approaching, providing the perfect chance for anyone interested to pop along to the Civic Centre and meet some of our amazing local charities. On the 23rd of September the main hall will be filled with stands offering a wealth of organisations you could become a part of, with representatives ready to tell you about the important work of their group and the benefits of volunteering with them.
Perhaps there’s a specific area you’re interested in, or maybe you’re not sure but would like to get a feel for whats available. There’s no better time to find out than speaking someone already in an organisation. Here’s who’ll be there:
- National Trust Sheffield Park
- Uckfield and District Lions Club
- St Peter and St James Hospice
- Uckfield Community Fridge
- The Fletching Singers
- SSAFA Sussex (Soldiers’ Sailors’ and Airmen’s Families Assocation)
- The Association of Carers
- Girlguiding Uckfield District
- Uckfield Bonfire & Carnival Society
- Brighter Uckfield
- Headway Sussex
- The Royal British Legion – Uckfield Branch
- Kenward Trust
- Uckfield & District Preservation Society
- Sussex Support Service CIC
- Wealden Citizens Advice
- Care for the Carers
- Chiddingly Village Shop & Cafe
- Childrens Respite Trust
- Artytime CIC
- St Wildrid’s Hospice
- Manor Park and Hempstead Fields Residents’ Association
- Ashdown Radio
- Uckfield Volunteer Centre
Hosting such an event is made possible by our generous sponsors, our thanks to S+P Printing, Sussex Leaflet Distribution, and Uckfield Town Council.
We look forward to seeing you all on the 23rd of September!