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Administration Coordinator – Drivers for the Elderly in Postcode TN22

Drivers for the Elderly in Postcode TN22 (formerly Age Concern), provide a vital free service to the elderly in getting them to doctor and hospital appointments. Under it’s previous name, the charity has been operating for over twenty-five years.

Hospitals covered are Haywards Heath, Brighton, Eastbourne, Pembury, East Grinstead and Maidstone.

Currently within East Sussex there is an increasing need for driving services to get elderly persons to vital hospital appointments. Some individuals of an advanced age can find their independence limited, and having a service available to ensure they can attend appointments is a huge boost.

An Administration Coordinator is a key part of the service Drivers for the Elderly deliver, linking patients with volunteer drivers to ensure appointments can be attended on a due date. Communication with the drivers is essential, using the WhatsApp phone app as the main source for appointment planning. Having a basic knowledge of this app will be useful for any applicants.

Patients will normally phone in to a dedicated telephone number asking for the service. After you have fielded their call, the coordinator then matches up a volunteer driver to get them to their appointment.

This role is remote, with you conducting it from home. Any calls made as part of your responsibilities will be reimbursed by the charity.

Anyone with experience with administration duties will thrive in such a role, and benefit the users of the service enormously.

For more information please either come in and see us at Wealden Volunteering, or call us on 01825 760019, or email us at

Please complete our online application form here