Office Volunteer (Thursday Morning) – Wealden Volunteering

About Wealden Volunteering
Wealden Volunteering was founded over 30 years ago by the community for the community.
Our award winning centre, originally named Uckfield Volunteer Centre, provides an invaluable community hub serving Uckfield and the surrounding area. As of 2024 we re-branded to become Wealden Volunteering to reflect our growth, as we now cover Crowborough and Heathfield.
Our primary role is to match people wanting to volunteer with charities or community groups needing help. As well as helping people with volunteering, we also provide local information such as bus timetables, a photocopying & laminating service, and replacement hearing aid batteries to name a few. In addition, we support community groups and local charities, who are our members, by providing networking events and training.
The centre is run by a dedicated team of volunteers.
About this opportunity
Currently at Wealden Volunteering we are looking for an additional friendly face in our office to help with our Thursday 10am until 1pm shift.
It doesn’t matter how old you are, we have a complete range of ages in our office. You don’t need to have specialized skills though they’re always welcome. Our office procedures will be taught to anyone joining us, as will any IT skills to get you up and running should you require them. All you need is a willingness to help people.
The responsibilities of our office volunteers vary, as we take on tasks best suited to each of us; such as processing volunteer applications, putting together displays or placing opportunities on our website, though we all chip in with greeting any visitors and assisting them with whatever requests or queries they have. There are many different roles at the Centre so let us know what you are comfortable doing or what you would like to learn as this can provide a great way of gaining experience.
For more information
For more information please either come in and see us at Wealden Volunteering, or call us on 01825 760019, or email us at