Uckfield Volunteer Awards 2022
Our annual awards are almost upon us this year!
Coming up in November, they’re a chance to celebrate the incredible voluntary work and efforts of those in our community during the past year, and hopefully show them that the good they do is deeply appreciated. It doesn’t matter what kind of voluntary work they’ve been performing, be it helping with a neighbour who’s in need of support, or working to keep our green spaces tidy and clean. All altruistic endeavours count.
This year we have three categories for awards.
Volunteer of the Year
Young Volunteer (under 25s)
And Service to our Community.
The details of all of these categories can be found on the nomination page on our website here.
Nominations close on the 11th of November, and we will present the awards at our AGM on the 18th of November.
So, if there’s anyone you know who has been tirelessly doing what they can to help others or assist a charitable organisation, get their name into the hat as you never know, they might win!
Whilst winning an award is obviously just a nice way to celebrate the good work of someone, it can also be a boost to any CV or UCAS application. Volunteering already shows characteristics and personality that people admire, a selfless side willing to assist those less fortunate or a worthwhile cause.
Nobody volunteers to win something, but it’s always jolly nice to be recognised with such a thanks.
Once more, if you’d like to nominate someone for an award, please fill out our nomination page online, or pop into our office to complete a paper entry. We look forward to seeing all your applications, and best of luck!