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Youth Leader – Crowborough Youth Club

Crowborough Youth Club was established by Artytime July 2021. It is a free session for 11-17 year olds. We offer a safe space to meet and make friends at Crowborough Social Club every Monday Evening (except Bank holidays) from 7 – 9 pm.

We are looking for adult volunteers to help facilitate sessions. This position is flexible, there are opportunities to volunteer once or twice a month or every Monday. We aim to have at least 3 volunteers on site, using a rota to organise shifts and time off.

There is no upper age limit for this role as we believe young people can benefit from the experience and wisdom of the older generation. Also if you are 18 and thinking of a career in youth work this would be ideal experience to enhance your CV.

If you have a skill to share then this can be promoted as an ad-hoc activity too.

A DBS check is required, however we will organise it.

For more information please either come in and see us at Wealden Volunteering, or call us on 01825 760019, or email us at

Please complete our online application form here